“No one has ever become poor by giving.”
$150 per event (average)
$50 per event (average)
$100 per event (average)
Many banks offer free Online Billpay. Consider designating the Ignatian Spiritual Life Center as a regular payee to receive donations. Your bank will send a check on your behalf. Checks should be made payable to:
Ignatian Spiritual Life Center
1025 Masonic Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94117
Send checks payable to:
Ignatian Spiritual Life Center
1025 Masonic Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94117
You may drop off your envelopes in the drop box at the parish office or any of our drop box collections at the church.
NEED HELP? We’re here to help you! We can assist you over the phone with any of the above options if you leave a message on our office phone: 415-487-8560
Thank you for your continued support!